Line 26: |
Line 26: |
| *SCL -> D5 | | *SCL -> D5 |
| *SDA -> D4 | | *SDA -> D4 |
| |
| |
| Code
| |
| |
| // ESP8266 WebServer
| |
| //
| |
| //
| |
| #include <Wire.h>
| |
| #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
| |
| #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
| |
| #include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
| |
| |
| const char *ssid = ""; // Your SSID here
| |
| const char *password = ""; // Your password here
| |
| |
| IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 223); // The address is arbitary, if could be any address in the range of your router, but not another device!
| |
| IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); // My router has this base address
| |
| IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); // Define the sub-network
| |
| |
| float bme_pressure, bme_temp, bme_humidity;
| |
| int count = 0;
| |
| |
| WiFiServer server(80);
| |
| |
| Adafruit_BME280 bme; // Note Adafruit assumes I2C adress = 0x77 my module (eBay) uses 0x76 so the library address has been changed.
| |
| |
| void setup() {
| |
| Serial.begin(115200);
| |
| Serial.print("Connecting to ");
| |
| Serial.println(ssid); // Connect to WiFi network
| |
| WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet);
| |
| WiFi.persistent(false); // disables the storage of credentials to flash.
| |
| WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
| |
| while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
| |
| delay(500);
| |
| Serial.print(".");
| |
| }
| |
| Serial.println("WiFi connected..");
| |
| // Start the webserver
| |
| server.begin();
| |
| Serial.println("Webserver started...");
| |
| pinMode(D4, INPUT_PULLUP); //Set input (SDA) pull-up resistor on
| |
| |
| Wire.setClock(2000000); // Set I2C bus speed
| |
| Wire.begin(D4,D5); // Define which ESP8266 pins to use for SDA, SCL of the Sensor
| |
| if (!bme.begin()) {
| |
| Serial.println("Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!");
| |
| while (1);
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| |
| void loop() {
| |
| // Check if a client has connected
| |
| WiFiClient client = server.available();
| |
| if (client) { // an http request has been made
| |
| boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
| |
| while (client.connected()) {
| |
| if (client.available()) {
| |
| char c = client.read(); // if at the end of a line because newline character received and the line is blank, the http request is complete, so the client can receive a response
| |
| if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
| |
| bme_temp = bme.readTemperature(); // No correction factor needed for this sensor
| |
| delay(1000);
| |
| bme_humidity = bme.readHumidity() + 1.0; // Plus a correction factor for this sensor
| |
| delay(1000);
| |
| bme_pressure = bme.readPressure()/100 + 3.7; // Plus a correction factor for this sensor
| |
| Serial.println(bme_temp);
| |
| Serial.println(bme_humidity);
| |
| Serial.println(bme_pressure);
| |
| float T = (bme_temp * 9 / 5) + 32; // Convert back to deg-F for the RH equation
| |
| float RHx = bme_humidity; // Short form of RH for inclusion in the equation makes it easier to read
| |
| float heat_index = (-42.379+(2.04901523*T)+(10.14333127*RHx)-(0.22475541*T*RHx)-(0.00683783*sq(T))-(0.05481717*sq(RHx))+(0.00122874*sq(T)*RHx)+(0.00085282*T*sq(RHx))-(0.00000199*sq(T)*sq(RHx))-32)*5/9;
| |
| if ((bme_temp <= 26.66) || (bme_humidity <= 40)) heat_index = bme_temp; // The convention is not to report heat Index when temperature is < 26.6 Deg-C or humidity < 40%
| |
| float dew_point = 243.04*(log(bme_humidity/100)+((17.625*bme_temp)/(243.04+bme_temp)))/(17.625-log(bme_humidity/100)-((17.625*bme_temp)/(243.04+bme_temp)));
| |
| |
| // Now send a correctly formatted HTML response together with the sensor data, statements indented to help with HTML formatting
| |
| client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
| |
| client.println("<html>");
| |
| client.println("<head>");
| |
| client.println("<style>");
| |
| client.println("h2 { color: blue; font-family: verdana; font-size: 200%; text-align: left; display:inline; } ");
| |
| client.println("table { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 150%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 3px blue; width: 60%; }");
| |
| client.println("td, th { border: 1px solid blue; text-align: center; padding: 8px; } ");
| |
| client.println("tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: skyblue; }");
| |
| client.println("</style>");
| |
| client.println("<title>ESP8266 Readings</title>");
| |
| client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"15\">"); // Refresh the screen every 15-seconds
| |
| client.println("</head>");
| |
| client.println("<body>");
| |
| client.println("<h2>Temp and Humidity for July 2019 3D Mystery Box</h2>");
| |
| client.println("<table>");
| |
| client.println("<tr>");
| |
| client.println("<th>Temperature</th>");
| |
| client.println("<th>Humidity</th>");
| |
| client.println("<th>Pressure</th>");
| |
| client.println("<th>Dew Point</th>");
| |
| client.println("<th>Heat Index</th>");
| |
| client.println("</tr>");
| |
| client.println("<tr>");
| |
| client.println("<td> "+String(bme_temp,1) + "°C</td>"); // Mixing HTML with sensor values for display
| |
| client.println("<td> "+String(bme_humidity,1) + "% RH</td>");
| |
| client.println("<td> "+String(bme_pressure,1) + " hPa</td>");
| |
| client.println("<td> "+String(dew_point,1) + "°C</td>");
| |
| client.println("<td> "+String(heat_index,1) + "°C</td>");
| |
| client.println("</tr>");
| |
| client.println("</table>");
| |
| client.println("<h6>© D Bird 2016 ("+String(count)+")</h6>"); // And display how many times the screen has been refreshed
| |
| client.println("</body>");
| |
| client.println("</html>");
| |
| break;
| |
| }
| |
| if (c == '\n') {
| |
| currentLineIsBlank = true; // It's a new line
| |
| } else if (c != '\r') {
| |
| currentLineIsBlank = false; // There's a character on the current line
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| delay(10);
| |
| client.flush(); // Flush the buffers
| |
| client.stop(); // Close the Client connection
| |
| count = count + 1; // Increase refresh indicator count
| |
| delay(5000); // Control speed of BME280 sensor reading
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |