12.5 year existance of l'espace du nurd

From NURDspace
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12.5 year existance of l'espace du nurd
Name 12.5 year existance of l'space du nurd
Date 2024/08/31
DateEnd 2024/08/31
Location Yes



On August 12 2024, NURDspace opened it's first location 4562 days ago and we're on our current forever-location for the last 2646 of those.

There are some plans to celebrate this with ... stuff.


On Saturday, 31-08-2024, we will open the doors of NURDspace at 13:37. Doors will close when the last person leaves. Anybody is welcome to join us in the celebration, but do us a favor and contact someone from NURDspace to get yourself added to the list below.

Please feel free to bring any projects or fun gizmos that will increase the fun!

Promotion/ communication

Promo and external communication will be handled by aetios. If you have something that needs to be communicated, let him know!

  • Nzo has been asked to make a promo poster that will be distributed around Wageningen and to other hackerspaces
  • aetios will inform and invite the neighbors via a flyer (which neighbors?)
  • aetios will make social media posts and directly tell people in other hackerspaces about the harkiversary.


Consumptions and Beverages

Expect to bring your own. We have a fridge, a freezer and an airfryer. There will be coffee and tea. Dinner will be arranged in the form of pizzas :)

  • Tahtkev should probably make sure to have the beer kegs full?
  • We maybe should have some snacks and drinks ready for new visitors.


Hahahahahaha :D


  • There will be onesies and labcoats
  • Fato is planning to bake glutenfree cakes. Beware, some of these might make you space a bit ;-)
  • There is an airco :)


  • Create and print invitation and deliver in mailboxes of neighbors around the space
  • Spam URL around on IRC and HSNL
  • Maybe other stuff?