What is this?
Some notes on Wyse S90. The Wyse SX0 series are all very much alike and behave strangely.
- http://fijam.eu.org/blog/running-linux-on-wyse-s30/ (especially useful is the part about unloading and loading IDE modules)
- http://www.parkytowers.me.uk/thin/wyse/s10/Linux.shtml
- http://fijam.eu.org/blog/how-to-put-coreboot-on-wyse-s30s50/
- Debian wheezy installer from HARKboot doesn't work, squeeze does!
- Enter with "DEL"
- Default pass is "Fireport"
OpenWRT installation
I used the debian squeese installer for this. Steps:
- Go trough the installer to the point where it detects (and can't find) disks
- Unload en load modules
modprobe -r ata_generic
modprobe -r pata_amd
modprobe ata_generic all_generic_ide=1
- wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/attitude_adjustment/12.09/x86/generic/openwrt-x86-generic-combined-squashfs.img or bake your own image
- dd it to /dev/sda
Running OpenWRT
At this point the kernel boots but I don't get a login screen. Network is disabled too.