PiRistona SA5026A | |
Participants | Dennis |
Skills | Linux |
Status | Active |
Niche | Music |
Purpose | |
Tool | No |
Location | Niz |
Cost | |
Tool category |
AristonaSA5026A.jpg {{#if:No | [[Tool Owner::{{{ProjectParticipants}}} | }} {{#if:No | [[Tool Cost::{{{Cost}}} | }}
I've acquired a beautiful antique Aristona SA5026A. Plan is to make a nice music player out of it using a Raspberry Pi B+ and a Suptronics X400 AMP/DAC HAT.
Rune Audio
Tried v0.3-beta (29/10/2014), could not get it stable. It consistently threw kernel panics when rebooting, and the WebUI kept crashing.
Tried volumio-2.246-2017-07-31-pi.img. After first boot you should wait while a lot of stuff is happening. If rebooting to soon you'll end up with a non working system.
Got DAC working, needed two lines in /boot/config.txt:
dtparam=i2s=on dtoverlay=iqaudio-dacplus
After a reboot I could select this as default audio output in OSMC \o.