Operation Trojan Horse Schaarsbergen

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Operation Trojan Horse Schaarsbergen
Name Operation Trojan Horse Schaarsbergen
Date 2019/01/13
Location Makerspace Schaarsbergen
Contact User:Pokon
Attendees Dennis

Under pretense of fixing their broken 3D-printers we will invade Makerspace Schaarsbergen (aka Hack42).

They know we're coming.

The ultimaker rescue project

Hack 42 has obtained 7 f-up ultimakers, we from nurdspace are sending our crack commando printing unit to repair the bastards and let one disappear.

the participants of the unit:

  • Pokon (the guy who licks stuff)
  • The_Niz (Beerdrinking awesome thingidoer)
  • FwD (wants to explore hack42 more)
  • dvanzuijlekom (our inside man)
  • r3boot (the supplier of tools and always hungry for knowledge)
  • buZz (our lightning rod ;) (Flash, Ahaaaaaaaaaa)

the plan:

  • Set a date to invade Hack42 (done)
  • Submit a list of necessary food, snacks, drinks & alcoholic beverages
    • The usual drinks (coffee, tea, Club-Mate, Flora Power, etc) will be on-premise, obviously
    • Stroopwafels?
    • Luftwaffels?
    • Beer? (which brand?)
  • The getaway driver will be anyone with a drivers license and pokons car
  • Look for outside damages (for example broken frames and stuff)
  • Use the most broken one as a donor

when all printers are functioning hardware wise its time for the following

  • Bed leveling
  • Making a cura profile for best results
  • Print some dickbutts as a testprint


  • We are going to drink a thing
  • Drop one of the printers in the getaway vehicle