Chores | |
Participants | |
Skills | Common sense |
Status | Active |
Niche | Other |
Purpose | Infrastructure |
Tool | No |
Location | |
Cost | |
Tool category |
chores.jpg {{#if:No | [[Tool Owner::{{{ProjectParticipants}}} | }} {{#if:No | [[Tool Cost::{{{Cost}}} | }}
Try to keep the surfaces clean and clean up accidents. We've been warned about mice. Leaving any food around will attract them and create problems. Think chewed cables and mouse shit everywhere. Check payed drink stock and refill if needed and collect cash (tahtkev).
There are to be no dishes left dirty/used. See above for the reason. We do have a dishwasher.
Running the dishwasher
If dishwasher is full with dirty dishes, you can run it. Soap tablets are in the drawer beneath the bar on the right. Tablets should be used without removing the plastic layer.
- Put a tablet in the designated space and close the little lid
- Close the dishwasher
- Start it by pushing the button
Emptying the dishwasher
If dishwasher is full with clean dishes, please empty it. Dry if needed and put stuff away.
Basically once a week should suffice just a quick run around the main room.
Once a month the higher surfaces should be vacuumed with a brush attachment. (window sills, desks and such)
- This should keep things nicer for people who are sensitive to dust and dog hair.
- Equipment itself will have to be cleaned less often
Tidy up work spaces
Before you leave, make sure the next person to use the place has all the room he or she needs. Don't occupy desk space after you leave, don't leave parts laying about. As a rule of thumb, try to leave the space behind in a tidier state than you found it.
PMD Waste (orange special bags)
PMD (plastic, metal, drink cartons is collected in Orange special bags. Bags need to be dropped at a PMD container. There is one in front of the Aldi, and there's one behind the AH.
Where te get the bags for free:
Balie Stadhuis (Markt 22), ma t/m do 8.30-16.00 uur; vr 8.30-19.00 uur Afvalbrengstation (Nudepark 77) de Woningstichting, Olympiaplein 26 Huis van de Wijk de Nude (Solidez), Kortestraat 2 De Pomhorst (Solidez), Pomona 562 Stadsatelier Ons Huis (Solidez), Harnjesweg 84 The Sustainability Office (di,woe,do: 12.30-13.45 uur) Campus: Forum gebouw, room 239
There is a permanent shortage of these bags, so please help to get more!
Garbage (restafval) bins (usually black bags)
These need to be emptied when full, and are not to contain any food/edibles/liquids. Full bags can go in the container (in the hallway near rookhok).The container will be collected by ACV:
Put the container outside the evening before, on the corner outside the game room. Nurdbot will remind on IRC. To check if container is present (inside the building):
!sensor restafval
14* | 11 | 11 | 08 | 06 | 03 | 01 | 12 | 09 | 07 | 04 | 02 |
28* | 25 | 25 | 22 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 26 | 23 | 21 | 18 | 16 |
29 | 30 |
Paper / Carton / Cardboard Waste
Goes in the paper container near the fuse box. The container will be collected by ACV:
Put the container outside the evening before, on the corner outside the game room. Nurdbot will remind on IRC. To check if container is present (inside the building):
!sensor papier
29* | 26 | 26 | 23 | 21 | 18 | 16 | 13 | 10 | 08 | 05 | 03 |
31 |
Garbage Paper Holiday Alternate Days
Metal (e)Waste (except cans)
Metal (e)waste can go to designated boxes in the basement.
There are separate collections for different types of copper cables, iron/steel, aluminium, and various PCB materials (with and without gold).
It is important that things like motherboards and PCI cards are completely disassembled into their constituent parts and batteries removed.
More information can be found on the Ewaste page.
There is a little box in the tool room. When it's full, they need to go to Afvalbrengstation or in the designated bins at some stores, for instance Hoogvliet.
Empty Bottles
There is a glass disposal container near the space, visible in the distance @ There is also one on the way to the Aldi. Bottles that carry a deposit can be brought to a supermarket (yay monies for free).
Glass/Plastic/Metal drink for returns
In the kitchen there is a box for collecting all drinking containers that have a deposit value. These containers have to be intact in order to be accepted at the supermarket machines.
Reorder space
If you see some place where storage is changed to chaos, try to clear it out with these simple steps;
- Clear out a storage place
- Sort out the chaos, find the biggest common denominator
- Move this to the cleared out place
- DOCUMENT both what has moved and what stays behind!!! Post it on the wiki (for example here and/or here)
Document something
If you find something lacking documentation, fix that. Create a page, take a picture, describe what you know and what you can find out yourself. Let others know about your efforts so they can chime in.