Wearable Computer | |
Participants | User:buzz |
Skills | Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Linux |
Status | Dormant |
Niche | Other |
Purpose | Fun |
Tool | |
Location | |
Cost | |
Tool category |
Wearable in orange.jpg {{#if:{{{Tool}}} | [[Tool Owner::{{{ProjectParticipants}}} | }} {{#if:{{{Tool}}} | [[Tool Cost::{{{Cost}}} | }}
I want to build a wearable computer around a Raspberry Pi and this 1cm wide CRT i salvaged from a camcorder.
- Needs notching/interlocking connection from system to batterypack
Resuted in http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:26195
- Different 'units'
- Raspberry + power unit is one unit, this has a display on one end, and only the needed connectors of the raspberry pi exposed.
- Battery will connect to the main unit with the thingy linked above.
- Possibility to hook up a second battery without disconnecting the first.
- Possibility to connect two batteries together to make a bigger battery???
- Power Supply frontface; http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:26814
Battery system
- http://datasheets.maxim-ic.com/en/ds/DS2438.pdf for gauging and voltage monitoring
- http://www.ebay.nl/itm/1-PCM-Protection-Circuit-Module-For-11-1V-3S-Li-ion-Li-Polymer-Battery-pack-HX-/220967028845?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3372a9486d#ht_1450wt_809 for protection of the unprotected cells
- will connect to the main unit with a 3 pin connector (+v, 1-wire data, gnd)
- there will be two 3 pin connectors to swap batteries while staying online (or maybe just run on two batteries)
- on the Raspberry Pi there will be a attiny (or something) on uart0 to interface with the 1-wire
- main unit will get an internal 2a 5v regulator (with display woohoo)
- crt will be mounted on cap
- beamsplitter will be mounted under the cap, reflecting visual into eye
- lenses will be needed between beamsplitter and crt for focus
- beamsplitter will be mounted on a swivel, and rotatable for higher flexibility
- another 3 pin connection : +5v, composite, gnd
( in 2012 this part was finished already; results on http://imgur.com/a/Sm1zr )
- a chording keyboard
- http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:10541
- http://chorder.cs.vassar.edu/spiffchorder/forside
- http://pjrc.com/teensy/usb_keyboard.html
- https://github.com/robnormal/teensy-chorded-keyboard , omg , almost ready to use, change code to modified nasa from spiffchorder
- http://etc.servehttp.com/spiffchorder.pdf - 5 pages with all the chords in modified nasa
- keyboard nearly finished...
- add a mouse? maybe a trackpad on top of the wrist, or a mini joystick on the thumbpad?
- Raspberry Pi
- mini CRT (second found, first seems dead now :s )
- teensy (for usb keyboard emulation)
- wrist frame (soon on thingiverse)
- Beamsplitter
(on the way)
- good power source
- needs a proper bms! gauging and maybe built-in charging?
- just needs 5V! but a lot of amps ...
- magnifying lenses
- better case
- some wireless card(s) on usb ?