GHBot: Difference between revisions

From NURDspace
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*** athr=...  author (optional)
*** athr=...  author (optional)
*** loc=...  where it lives (optional), for when e.g. the plugin is running on an arduino somewhere hidden
*** loc=...  where it lives (optional), for when e.g. the plugin is running on an arduino somewhere hidden
** you should send this every 5 seconds or a command will disappear automatically
** you should send this every 5 seconds or a command will disappear automatically, *OR* use the following topic:
* topic: GHBot/to/bot/register-testament  - same parameters, you shall also unregister your commands with:
** make sure to let mqtt send a "last will message" to "GHBot/to/bot/unregister" with value "cmd,cmd,cmd,..."

* topic: GHBot/to/irc/'''channel'''/privmsg
* topic: GHBot/to/irc/'''channel'''/privmsg

Latest revision as of 20:37, 19 December 2024

An IRC bot

design (in short; see Jaken (r3boot) for full)

GHBot listens on a few MQTT topics. Plugins can send commands to GHBot via those.

  • topic: GHBot/to/bot/register
    • value: cmd=...|descr=...|agrp=...|athr=...|loc=...
      • cmd=... defines (one of) the command(s) this plugin listens to (required)
      • descr=... short description of what the cmd does. this is returned by "!help cmd" (required)
      • agrp=... ACL group required for this command (optional, default is access for everyone)
      • athr=... author (optional)
      • loc=... where it lives (optional), for when e.g. the plugin is running on an arduino somewhere hidden
    • you should send this every 5 seconds or a command will disappear automatically, *OR* use the following topic:
  • topic: GHBot/to/bot/register-testament - same parameters, you shall also unregister your commands with:
    • make sure to let mqtt send a "last will message" to "GHBot/to/bot/unregister" with value "cmd,cmd,cmd,..."
  • topic: GHBot/to/irc/channel/privmsg
    • value: text to publish to channel - note that the '#' in the channel name must be omitted
  • topic: GHBot/to/irc-person/nick
    • value: text to send to the person nick in a PM

GHBot also sends everything it receives via IRC to MQTT topics, for the plugins to be processed.

  • topic: GHBot/from/bot/command
    • value: register - asks all plugins to immediately register all the commands it knows (see above)
  • topic: GHBot/from/bot/parameter/prefix
    • value: command-prefix (e.g. '!' or '#' etc) this command asks plugins to respond to commands prefixed by this prefix.
  • topic: GHBot/from/irc/ - please see r3boot's documentation

user management

  • add a user:
    • addacl user nick group groupname
      • nick is the nickname of the user, ghbot will lookup the full name etc of the user by itself
      • group is currently either members or sysops but you can create new groups easily (by either defining them in a plugin or using addacl group, see below)
  • create a new group:
    • addadcl group groupname cmd command
      • groupname is the new group, command is the (existing) command that you want to put in the new group
  • delete a group:
    • delacl
  • get a list of groups a user is in:
    • listacls nick
  • connect a nick to a new hostname:
    • meet nick
  • create an alias for a nick (...the hostname of a nick):
    • merge newnick oldnick

local(!) plugins (non-mqtt)

  • listlp - list the available plugins
  • showlp x - list the commands in plugin 'x'
  • loadlp - load any new plugins (without restarting ghbot)
  • reloadlp - reload an already loaded plugin

aliasses / defines

  • aliasses are for commands, defines are "new commands"
    • alias new_command_name old_command_name
      • returns a number with which you can delete the alias
    • define new_command_name command definition
      • escapes:
        • %q command parameter
        • %u user invoking the command
        • %m like '/me'
        • %n post as a notice
      • returns a number with which you can delete the alias
    • deldefine number
      • delete an alias or define


priority: ghbot priority

  • !allot
  • !badum - for terrible jokes
  • !bclabel - Prints Bookcrossing labels @ Labelprinter @ SlabPi
  • !label - Prints labels with free text @ Labelprinter @ SlabPi
  • !janee - response in the affirmative or negatory sense to inquiries
  • !events - show upcoming nurdspace events
  • !learn
  • !mpdtube - Sends search query or url to MPDTube
  • !ot - shows OpenTherm data from Home assistant
  • !ot-set - Updates OpenTherm thermostat setpoint through Home assistant
  • !sensors - Queries sensors from Home assistant
  • !speak / !spreek / !dire / !sprech / !habla - Text to speach using espeak on SlabPiSpacesound (different languages yay \o/) (Deligated to Melan)
  • !statustoggle - (temp) manually switch the space from closed to open
  • !sth - temps and humidities of the different rooms
  • !ticker sends text to Led ticker
  • !toggle - toggles switches (Sonoff, epc, pdu) through Home assistant
  • !toggle-list - shows a list of IDs that !toggle can use
  • !wau-temp - Read the external temperature from the WUR sensors
  • !wikipedia - customised from the basic version
  • !who - Checks which known devices are connected to the Wifi (if you want to be on here, see Jarvis#Enable_tracking_for_your_MAC_address)
  • !wol - Performs wake-on-lan actions for machines in the space
  • !power - Current power consumption
  • !sensor - Read sensors from hass
  • topic
  • join to multiple channels
  • configurable via configuration file
  • !qs !quote-search
  • !regen !sun !moon (met die laatste twee ook 'volgende X (volle maan/zonsopgang/zonsondergang) ' en 'huidige X (maanstand, zon elivatie (is al?) en, vorige x (volle maan/zonsopgang/ondergang)
  • Make internal states accessible over mqtt (Plugins plugins loaded) -- see next item:
  • Have plugins being able to report author and location for easier keeping track (Melan: My idea is to make a plugin that can make a page that can output all commands + help etc to a markdown on request) -- finished altough the layout may be pimped a bit
  • !seen
  • remove the silly http-implementation and/or add an http-api that allows to retrieve the plugin-state as a json-blob
    • also post-to-channel api

Feature Requests

  • !merge new-nick old-nick
  • buZz Make alias legible (like !moon 62 is aliased to .... !nowaytoknownow)
    • !viewalias
  • buZz Autodescribing help for plugins
  • buZz give !at a offset , so '!at +5 oven!' works to set a timer in 5 minutes , maybe +1h for 1 hour (its never seconds)
  • buZz add highlight of nickname to reminder notification now does so!
  • buZz give a error msg on unknown -anything- in PM , instead of silence (like on channel)
  • buZz allow a group be a group member for ACL , so we can make a 'SD' group, and make 'members' a member of it
  • buZz add !np -v or something else that can show the album of the current playing song
  • r3boot Overzicht van plugins die herschreven moeten worden naar de nieuwe plugin structuur
    • zie hierboven
  • r3boot RSS feeds beperken tot nurdspace resources, of verplaatsen naar #nurds-feeds kanaal oid
    • feeds verwijderd :-)
  • r3boot Plugin output prefixen met de naam v/d plugin zodat filtering voorspelbaar word.
    • dit is iets wat de plugin zelf moet doen omdat de bot niet ziet wie de afzender is (die info zit niet in mqtt)
  • r3boot Overzicht van operaties die beheerders kunnen uitvoeren op de bot (ops documentatie)
  • The_Niz Partkeepr search
    • done
  • The_Niz !btc in Eu ipv die nare dollah units
    • ik heb geen conversie dingetje naar euro, suggesties welkom though
  • iets met dat je kunt configureren of iets een PRIVMSG of dat het een NOTICE is - hoewel kan een plugin dat niet al?
    • to/irc/(channel)/notice
  • zarya please make !koffie <nick> give koffie to that nick and not the one typing !koffie unless no parm is given
    • gedaan
  • The_Niz !@ voor (youtube) URL titel spam
    • gedaan
  • r3boot Apply acceptable regex to incoming karma requests (eg: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+{\+\+,--}$. This will prevent multikarma and calling the plugin multiple times.
    • has been severly dumbed down and no longer performs multikarma etc.
  • The_Niz Keep track of commands that were once available in order to create an errormsg when the plugin is down
    • implemented in 5db0f18ca20b3471b3a71686f949822434e64647
  • !message (zie kiki: !boodschap)
    • added
  • stock quotes, see
  • !karma-whyup !karma-whoup !karma-whodown !karma-whydown !karma-top10 !karma-bottom10 !karma-stats
    • implemented as !whykarma
  • !op / auto-op
    • done

nurdspace specific

  • the following services exist that need to be restarted after a change to the specific plugin (or just kill -9 them as systemd will restart them)
    • udp-listener.service
      • hass messages
    • topic.service
      • irc topic
    • semwikievents.service
      • events added to the nurdspace wiki (!events)
    • erratic.service
      • stats of the server
    • seen.service
      • !seen <user>
    • geiger.service
      • geigercounter statistics
    • zorgverzekering.service
      • zorgverzekering / test / quit / choose / secondopinion / spacehex / wau-temp / allot / rijnstreek / janee / regen / !@
    • wacalc.service
      • wolfram alpha
    • net-tools.service
      • br0ken
    • minecraft.service
    • learn.service
      • word?
    • label.service
      • label printer
    • message.service
      • send messages to (offline) users
    • karma.service
    • at.service
      • schedule messages
    • quotes.service
    • mpd-plugin.service
      • music services
    • deurbel.service / deurbel-to-sqlite3.service
      • doorbell notification
    • rss.service
      • checks for wiki changes, executes !speld
    • btc.service
      • bitcoin status
    • mp-service.service / mp.service
      • !mp / !mpstats / !mpdtoday
    • wanneer.service
      • predictor
    • GHBot.service
      • the main irc-bot itself
    • hass-ghbot.service
      • hass-services: !sth / !octoprint / !ot / !ot-set / !sensor / !sun / !power / !toggle / !toggle-list / !who / !mpdtube / !ticker
    • regex.service
      • s/bla/bli/
    • partkeepr.service
      • search in the nurdspace partkeepr database
    • nlenergie
      • show energie statistics
    • duckduckgo.service
    • summon.service
      • summon a user via e-mail/xmpp
        • send an e-mail to if you would like it if people could !summon you as well. for that an e-mail address AND/OR an xmpp/jabber address is required
  • coding example: /home/ghbot/nurdspace-ircbot-plugin-python-example/ on the harkbot lxc


  • runs under ghbot user (via systemd) on nurdservices. invokes dhcp-lease-list underneath (with some awk magic)
  • has a -v switch for verbose mode


    • !np / !mpd / !radio / !radiolink
    • mpd_plugin.service
