From NURDspace

For use with SpaceNet we've installed OpenLDAP on nurdserver. We can use this LDAP for many more purposes. This page can serve as documentation for both working implementations and future plans.

Working implementations

Future plans

  • wiki logins
  • NFS for homedirs and other dirs (MP3 etc) on NURDServer
  • System users for all infra-machines
  • Maintain sudo'ers through the LDAP and remove all local root accounts

Status of future plans

I've installed FusionDirectory on a new VM called nurdservices on the proxmox system of Nurdserver v2. I've also added a couple of users to it.

It can be accessed on http://nurdservices/fusiondirectory from within the network.

On Sinterklaas I've got it to work as I think it should be:

  • Homedirs moved to an nfs mount from Nurdservices
  • Local homedirs and users deleted
  • /home/ is mounted on boot over nfs
  • LDAP users can log in and see their homedirs as if nothing has changed

Logging in to workstations with LDAP users

To get this to work you need to install libnss-ldapd, configure the ldap in nss and pam (no ssl, so ldap://nurdservices/), and add a line to /etc/pam.d/common-account:

session required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022