An IRC bot
- Design by r3boot
- Implemented by Flok
user management
- add a user:
- addacl user nick group groupname
- nick is the nickname of the user, ghbot will lookup the full name etc of the user by itself
- group is currently either members or sysops but you can create new groups easily (by either defining them in a plugin or using addacl group, see below)
- addacl user nick group groupname
- create a new group:
- addadcl group groupname cmd command
- groupname is the new group, command is the (existing) command that you want to put in the new group
- addadcl group groupname cmd command
- delete a group:
- delacl
- get a list of groups a user is in:
- listacls nick
- connect a nick to a new hostname:
- meet nick
aliasses / defines
- aliasses are for commands, defines are "new commands"
- alias new_command_name old_command_name
- returns a number with which you can delete the alias
- alias new_command_name old_command_name
- define new_command_name command definition
- escapes:
- %q command parameter
- %u user invoking the command
- %m like '/me'
- returns a number with which you can delete the alias
- escapes:
- define new_command_name command definition
- deldefine number
- delete an alias or define
- deldefine number
!allot!badum - for terrible jokes!bclabel - Prints Bookcrossing labels @ Labelprinter @ SlabPi!label - Prints labels with free text @ Labelprinter @ SlabPi!janee - response in the affirmative or negatory sense to inquiries!learn!mpdtube - Sends search query or url to MPDTube!ot - shows OpenTherm data from Home assistant!ot-set - Updates OpenTherm thermostat setpoint through Home assistant!sensors - Queries sensors from Home assistant- !speak / !spreek / !dire / !sprech / !habla - Text to speach using espeak on SlabPi (different languages yay \o/)
- !statustoggle - (temp) manually switch the space from closed to open
!sth - temps and humidities of the different rooms!ticker sends text to Led ticker!toggle - toggles switches (Sonoff, epc, pdu) through Home assistant!toggle-list - shows a list of IDs that !toggle can use!wau-temp - Read the external temperature from the WUR sensors- !wikipedia - customised from the basic version
!who - Checks which known devices are connected to the Wifi (if you want to be on here, see Jarvis#Enable_tracking_for_your_MAC_address)- !wol - Performs wake-on-lan actions for machines in the space
!power - Current power consumption!sensor - Read sensors from hass- topic
join to multiple channelsconfigurable via configuration file!qs !quote-search!regen !sun !moon(met die laatste twee ook 'volgende X (volle maan/zonsopgang/zonsondergang) ' en 'huidige X (maanstand, zon elivatie (is al?) en, vorige x (volle maan/zonsopgang/ondergang)Make internal states accessible over mqtt (Plugins plugins loaded)-- see next item:Have plugins being able to report author and location for easier keeping track (Melan: My idea is to make a plugin that can make a page that can output all commands + help etc to a markdown on request)-- finished altough the layout may be pimped a bit
remove the silly http-implementation and/or add an http-api that allows to retrieve the plugin-state as a json-blobalso post-to-channel api
Feature Requests
- r3boot RSS feeds beperken tot nurdspace resources, of verplaatsen naar #nurds-feeds kanaal oid
- feeds verwijderd :-)
- r3boot Overzicht van plugins die herschreven moeten worden naar de nieuwe plugin structuur
- zie hierboven
- r3boot Plugin output prefixen met de naam v/d plugin zodat filtering voorspelbaar word.
- dit is iets wat de plugin zelf moet doen omdat de bot niet ziet wie de afzender is (die info zit niet in mqtt)
- r3boot Overzicht van operaties die beheerders kunnen uitvoeren op de bot (ops documentatie)
- The_Niz Partkeepr search
- The_Niz !btc in Eu ipv die nare dollah units
- iets met dat je kunt configureren of iets een PRIVMSG of dat het een NOTICE is - hoewel kan een plugin dat niet al?