
From NURDspace
Revision as of 19:59, 20 May 2022 by Buzz (talk | contribs) (→‎Been there, done that)
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Promotion media

  • Lets make stickers , , ~45 usd , about 34 euros , for 150 3x4" stickers (about 7x10cm)
  • And posters .. we discussed this, lets make some sketches for design?


Each sticker run is produced in only 1000 stickers. Designs not recycled.


We made a collage with PhotoCollage that can be used as background for flyers and maybe even for posters.

One way to make nice flyers out of this is with imagemagick. You need to install imagemagick, and download the background png and the right font (Comfortaa-Bold.ttf from dafont). This script will give you the above example as result:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

convert -background '#0009' -font Comfortaa-Bold.ttf -gravity center -fill white -size 2280x3308 \
-size 2280x331 -pointsize 320 label:'\n' \
-size 2280x662 -pointsize 320 label:'Come Visit\nNURDspace' \
-size 2280x331 -gravity Center -pointsize 120 label:'Your friendly local hackerspace' \
-size 2280x662 -gravity Center -pointsize 170 label:'Open evening\nwednesdays 18:00-0:00' \
-size 2280x762 -gravity Center -pointsize 220 label:'\nVergersweg 22-24\nWageningen' \
-size 2280x562 -pointsize 200 label:'' \
-append \
Flyer1_background.png +swap -gravity Center -composite Flyer1_output.png

Variation on a theme, NURDs can mean a lot of things:

  • Never Underestimate Real Development spaces
  • Never Under Repeated Disco sound
  • Nerds Use Really Diverse systems
  • New Underground Rides Down South
  • Non Uniform Rotational Distortion syndrome
  • New Underground Research and Development space
  • Never Under Regularly Determined sight
  • Never Under Regulations Discontinue scripting
  • Now U R Da shit
  • add your backronym!

Promotion stunt

Some fun idea

Lets make a bunch of videos that show people how to get to NURDspace from different directions, with many different transportation methods. 'Simple gopro strapped to head' all the way to 'hollywood action movie' production levels are welcome! Lets make a ton of em :) Anyone coming by plane to NL soon?

Been there, done that

  • Article in the local newspaper 'De Stad Wageningen' of 18-10-2011 :
  • Cultuurmakelaarartikel.jpg
  • Article in 'hoog en laag' , some local newspaper , around april 2018 :
  • Artikel-in-hooglaag.jpg